Motko Explores Generative AI's Role in Health Life Sciences at Microsoft Envision Day

September 13, 2023

(New York, September 13) – Microsoft's Envision Day event, held in New York on September 13th, brought together industry leaders and experts to delve into the potential of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in health life sciences, while shedding light on Microsoft's wide-ranging AI initiatives spanning various sectors. The event provided an invaluable opportunity for Motko to learn and have meaningful dialogues with leaders in generative AI space and beyond, underscoring the commitment to fostering thoughtful and diligent collaborations that elevate humanity.

Deb Cubb in conversation with Adam Grant

Microsoft Envision Day in New York served as a forum for thought leaders to explore AI's transformative potential in healthcare and beyond. Distinguished speakers included Matthew C. Fraser, New York City’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO), directing technology-related projects and policy across the City, Deb Cupp, President of Microsoft Americas, leading a $70 billion business responsible for the sales strategy, execution, and revenue growth for the US, Canada, and Latin America business, and others. The event culminated with a conversation with Adam Grant, Organizational Psychologist & Bestselling Author.  

The panel featuring Rizwan Pasha, M. D., Dr. Alfred Atanda, and Dr. Jonathan Austrian provided practical insights on how AI will enhance clinical decision-making, workforce support and planning, improving health equity outcomes, and overall business strategy.

“Many fear AI. At Motko, we believe artificial intelligence can be an extraordinary ally—a force for good, poised to save many lives and enrich countless others,” said Kira Golenko, CEO of Motko. “We continue to educateourselves, as we strive to deepen our comprehension of the immense potential and possibilities that AI offers, as well as the underlying risks. Today, we were honored with a priceless opportunity to learn from some of the most brilliant minds in the industry, both within Microsoft and beyond. We maintain a sense of optimism, yet prudence, as we diligently assess prospective partnerships and solutions in the generative AI space.”

Participants were welcomed to a healthy break on the 6.75-acre green roof, one of the largest in the United States, icon of the LEED Gold certified premise

The event featured discussions around:

  1. Personalized Medicine: Attendees explored how AI can facilitate personalized treatment plans, tailored to an individual's genetic makeup and medical history, promising more effective treatments.
  2. Disease Diagnosis: Generative AI's role in early disease detection and prediction was a focal point, offering the potential for timely interventions and improved prognosis.
  3. Research Efficiency: By automating labor-intensive tasks, generative AI enhances research efficiency, enabling scientists to focus on more complex challenges and innovative projects.
  4. Telemedicine: Microsoft Teams' has the potential to connect patients and healthcare providers remotely, bridging geographical gaps.
  5. Sustainability Solutions: Beyond healthcare, the event featured Microsoft's Sustainability Manager, an essential tool for organizations to manage and report on sustainability goals, advancing environmental stewardship.

Motko extends its gratitude to Microsoft for the invaluable opportunity to participate in this event and engage in meaningful conversations, and looks forward to building impactful partnerships with the shared goal of elevating and empowering humanity.

About Motko

Motko is an impact-driven health and wellbeing technology company on a mission to make the world a healthier and more inclusive place. Motko works with corporations and real estate stakeholders, delivering engaging health and wellbeing resources to people globally. To learn more about Motko, please contact and visit