When Tech Comes Alive
In Your Building

Real estate can be a powerful venue to shape and enhance people’s experiences and lives. Our wellness platform activates buildings' amenities and elevates occupants' wellbeing and sense of community, with the measurable goal of increasing underlying property's returns.

Make it more than an office.

How we work and how we think about a working environment has changed. The landlord and tenant relationship has become more complex. Tenants are looking for profound reasons to be in an office, reasons that stem beyond the physical existence of a space. 87% of employees rate collaborating with team members and building relationships as the top-needs for the office. Motko® creates opportunities for people to connect and engage in a healthy and fun way.


4.4 - 7.7% Higher
Effective Rent
At Healthy Certified Buildings

Pioneering Wellness Technology

Motko® software is the 1st occupant health education platform to be aligned with strategies in the WELL Building Standard

Motko’s Wellness Technology will enhance your tenants experience in a fun and healthy way, and strenghten the community - both on-site and remotely. The software is aligned with five health features, contributing up to 5 points towards WELL Building Certification.

Healthy Us, Healthy Planet.

Be a leader in your community. Take part in creating a healthier and more inclusive economy. If we want to take care of our planet and ensure longevity of our environment, we need to take care of ourselves in a mindful way. Providing health and wellbeing resources in your building will not only make your tenants healthier, it will fuel them to take the right actions and drive social sustainability.

For a better and more sustainable future.

Active in residential space? Reach out to learn more about our multi-unit residential platform.

Drop us a note and we will get in touch shortly.

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